[转载]How Can I Keep From Singing?
luyued 发布于 2011-05-16 14:13 浏览 N 次
My life goes on in endless song 那令我生命坚韧绵长的旋律
above earth's lamentations, 超越了大地悲凉的歌声
I hear the real, though far-off hymn 我真切听到,远方缥缈着赞美诗篇
that hails a new creation. 唱出美好新世界的曙光
Through all the tumult and the strife 超越人类残酷的争斗与喧嚣
I hear it's music ringing, 我听到绝尘的乐声渐起
It sounds an echo in my soul. 它是我灵魂中响彻的回音
How can I keep from singing? 我怎能忍心停止自己的歌声?
While though the tempest loudly roars, 在暴风雨巨大的咆哮中
I hear the truth, it liveth. 我感知真理在渐渐苏醒
And though the darkness 'round me close, 浓重的黑暗将我吞没时
songs in the night it giveth. 那里面却透出光明的歌声.
No storm can shake my inmost calm 怎样的风暴能动摇我心底安宁
while to that rock I'm clinging. 当我与灵魂的磐石紧紧相拥?
Since love is lord of heaven and earth 爱从来是天穹与大地的主宰
how can I keep from singing? 我怎能忍心停止自己的歌声?
When tyrants tremble in their fear 当专制的暴君在恐惧中颤抖
and hear their death knell ringing, 听闻丧钟为他们轰鸣
when friends rejoice both far and near 当许多亲爱的友人为此欢舞,欣喜的泪闪烁在眼中
how can I keep from singing? 此时,我怎能够停止自己的歌声?
In prison cell and dungeon vile 哪怕身陷昏暗的牢狱
our thoughts to them are winging, 我的思念却生出翅膀 向你那里飞翔
when friends by shame are undefiled 当伙伴们蒙受耻辱
how can I keep from singing? 此时,我怎能停止来自灵魂的歌唱?
出现于十九世纪中叶的宗教歌曲How Can I Keep From Singing? ,由Lowry牧师作曲,词作者是因坚守宗教信仰而被关进牢狱的Anne Warner,在爱尔兰、在欧美大陆传唱至今。在高原游历的岁月,它是我最爱听的歌曲,与我的灵魂时时相伴,我带着挚爱与尊敬的情怀,将它译成中文,为的是献给你,然后我们同行...
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