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luyued 发布于 2011-03-07 06:24   浏览 N 次  

Recently I always be struck into a situation that I wonder something unrealistic

and unattainable.Inthe psychology course, the teacher told us that everyone

would have contradiction between the ideal self and real self.Yes, I hate the

existent gap thatmakes me feel frustrated. I want to be better ,do better and

show better,no matter in what aspects.However ,the fact is I was bound up with a

invisible shackle,which is from the inherent habit.I admire those people who can

do whatever they want,desperately.They live a free life even though they will

counter with troubles like anyone else,they still feel this is OK,because they have

a free heart and a real kind of liberty. Today I saw a girl singing rock music on

the stage,in a red sweater .Though not fine her voice was ,she enjoyed this

phenomenon that she created.I want to go travelling,maybe it is only a kind of form

to escape fromthe live now I have.Actually it can't change anything if my heart

still close.

Be brave,please.
Ps.I want to fall in love with another person so that I can forget you easily.

It's tired to wait or to hope something that will never happen.And what is worse,

I know the sad end but still pretent not to believe it.I am not afraid of being alone but I am afraid of being lonely.

