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luyued 发布于 2011-02-25 08:06   浏览 N 次  

A Challenge Of Honour - Where No Angels Dare To Come(2006)

ACOH在2003年Flammenzauber Festival的现场录音,优秀的后期混音更具正式唱片的专业性,录音很完美,本来ACOH是玩军事的,此张唱片却融合了一点祭祀感,又由于是现场唱片,氛围感差了些,人声和器乐相对丰富,结合封面那位脖子挂着防毒面具的一战时期的荷兰士兵,和唱片名字,应该可以想象出这张唱片要表达什么,很浓的末日意境,绝对的阴暗享受,推荐。四星。

A Challenge Of Honour - Vienna Wien(CDr,2004)

我靠,这张太TM好听了。。ACOH越来越让我喜欢了。。。和刚才那张不同的是,这张共四首作品的cdr氛围感更浓一些,第四首的节点要把我杀死了。。。只可惜这张唱片只在维也那2004年的Steinklang Festival现场发行,也许就是为了这个节日的一产品吧,木盒包装,送卡,限量一百套。四星。


Diorama - Her Liquid Arms(2001)

EBM领域的经典之作, 唱片前半部分更电一些,后半部分温柔了许多,音乐如片名,如流体臂膀将人挽留。。随意的抚摩着你的神经,最喜欢第二首E Minor,"make you happy,make you smile again....",这几句歌词在德式新民谣男声唱腔的地沉控诉下,结合着电流的反复,同样可以杀人于无形。。四星。

Kiddie Records Weekly是一个搜集美国四十年代中期到五十年代的老唱片的在线label,以mp3形式让老音乐从见天日,象网站介绍里写的,把这些上一代的音乐给现一代的网络听者分享,很好玩,不过就05-07三年计划。。每周按日期按已定计划更新。

Kiddie Records Weekly is a three year project celebrating the golden age of children's records. This brief but prolific period spanned from the mid forties through the early fifties, producing a wealth of all-time classics. Many of these recordings were extravagant Hollywood productions on major record labels and featured big time celebrities and composers.
Over the years, these forgotten treasures have slipped off the radar and now stand on the brink of extinction. Our mission is to give them a new lease on life by sharing them with today's generation of online listeners. Each recording has been carefully transferred from the original 78s and encoded to MP3 format for you to download and enjoy. You'll find a new addition every week, all year long.
So whether you are hearing these records for the first time or reuniting with a childhood favorite from long ago, we hope you take great pleasure in your trip down memory lane!


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