加拿大花艺杂志【Canadian Florist】国外插花装饰花卉设计期刊
luyued 发布于 2011-05-28 13:04 浏览 N 次【联系店铺】------http://dzazhi.taobao.com/,电话-13508158228,QQ--1395283462
【预订1年】-----120元/期(包快),1年8期,1年代订价 120*8=960,每期国内快递
*The Voice of the Canadian Floral Industry for Over 100 Years
*Canadian Florist magazine is dedicated to providing relevant and timely information to the floral industry. We will continue to ensure that our readers have the tools they need to run their businesses as successfully as possible, with maximum efficiency and reliability.
*Distributed to independent retail florists across Canada, crafters and hobbyists, garden centres, educators, freelance and interior designers, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers to the trade.
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